Delivery of Service When Assisting to Buying Irish Citizenship
How to Get Citizenship in Ireland through Investment?
Black Lion Ireland’s Delivery of Service to buy Irish citizenship is to ensure that potential investors are provided with sufficient information in a transparent manner that will enable them to make an informed decision.
If as an investor you are looking for how to immigrate to Ireland, our service is a 4-step process:
Assist potential investors to assess if the IIP best suits their individual requirements
Assist potential investors to identify which investment category within the IIP best suits their requirements
Present to potential investors investment opportunities within selected investment category/ies
Assist potential investors with the IIP application process to ensure a timely and efficient process
1. Assist potential investors to assess if the IIP best suits their individual requirements
IIP is an attractive programme for investors and business professionals from outside the European Economic Area (EEA). However, there are alternative programmes that may be more suitable to potential investors.
Such programmes include the “Start-Up Entrepreneur Programme (STEP)” and the “Critical Skills Employment Permits (CSEP)”.
We advise any potential investor to engage with an immigration solicitor to explore and understand alternative programmes that may be more suitable.
We also provide information regarding the “Start-Up Entrepreneur Programme” and the “Critical Skills Employment Permits”.
One major advantage of the IIP is that it recognises investors who benefit from the programme may have substantial business and financial interests outside of Ireland. Therefore, actual physical residence in Ireland is not a condition for renewal of your residency permission under the IIP. This condition applies to both investors and their nominated family members. The programme does require investors and their family members to visit Ireland at least once per calendar year.
Black Lion Ireland will only proceed to the next step with a potential customer when the following has been satisfied:
The potential investor confirms that they fully understand that there are alternative programmes that may be more suitable for them.
The potential investor confirms that they have access / can gain access to information regarding these alternative programmes should they so wish.
Having taken the above into account the potential investor instructs that they still wish to proceed with exploring the IIP option.
2. Assist potential investors to identify which investment category within the IIP best suits their requirements
There are four investment option categories for potential investors.
Enterprise Investment
A minimum of €1 million invested in an Irish enterprise for a period of at least 3 years.
Investment Fund
A minimum of €1 million invested in an approved investment fund for a period of at least 3 years. Such funds must be approved and regulated by the Central Bank.
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
A minimum investment of €2 million in any Irish REIT that is listed on the Irish Stock Exchange, for a period of at least 3 years.
A minimum €500,000 philanthropic donation to a project which is of public benefit to the arts, sports, health, culture or education in Ireland. This may potentially be reduced to €400,000 if part of a group of 5 or more.
The role of Black Lion Ireland in delivering this step is to:
Present to the potential investor all four investment category options without prejudice or favor for any particular option.
Provide documentation to the potential investor to enable them to understand the features and conditions attached to each investment option.
Ensure that the potential investor is aware that they are entirely free to choose whichever of the investment categories they wish.
Advise the potential customers to engage with an immigration solicitor who will further advise on the investment categories.
Documentation to be provided to the potential investor will include but not be limited to:
Details of all 4 investment categories including features and conditions attached to them.
Copy of the Guidelines as issued by the Department of Justice in February 2019
Copy of the Irish Government updated announcement on 12th June 2020
Copy of additional Frequently Asked Questions
Black Lion Ireland will proceed with the next step should the investor wish to explore further any of the investment categories as outlined above.
3. Present to potential investors investment opportunities within selected investment category/ies
Black Lion Ireland aims to promote projects within each investment category.
Should a potential investor indicate that they are willing to proceed with Step 3 following completion of the first two steps i.e.:
They are satisfied that the IIP best suits their individual requirements
They have identified which investment category within the IIP best suits their requirements
then the potential investor will be offered the opportunity to assess the relevant investment/endowment projects within their chosen investment category/ies that Black Lion Ireland is promoting.
The potential investor is aware that any investment/endowment opportunities that we are presenting are not an exhaustive list. Should the potential investor decide not to invest in any of the investments/endowments that we promote we will endeavor to source an investment/endowment which fulfills their requirements.
The potential investor will also be fully aware that they are free to pursue their own investment/endowment opportunities at any time.
We advise the potential investor at this stage to seek independent advice regarding the investment/endowment opportunities before making a decision. We also advise the potential investor to engage the services of an immigration solicitor at this stage if they have not already done so.
4. Assist potential investors with the IIP application process to ensure a timely and efficient process
Applicants may nominate a legal or financial representative to communicate with Immigration Service Delivery on their behalf. In accordance with the IIP Guidelines, the nominated party must meet one of the following criteria:
The nominee is a practicing member of the Law Society of Ireland
The nominee is a practicing member of a prescribed accountancy body in Ireland
The nominee works for a financial services company that is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland
Both founding members, Val O’Brien and Patrick O’Leary are long-standing members of Chartered Accountants Ireland.
As mentioned throughout, we strongly advise that potential investors engage the services of an immigration solicitor. We are happy to recommend experienced immigration solicitors.
On request, Black Lion Ireland may also assist in certain aspects of the application.